About Us
Addus Inc has been building custom residential and commercial projects for 20 years. We are passionate about our work, and particularly love the challenge of building complex renovations, wherever our clients take us. From the inception of Addus Group, it has been instilled in the company culture with value for design, scheduling, customer service and project management. Recently we have purchased a 15,000 sq ft building as a show room to exemplify our design and technique, soon to be opening by end of 2006
Three things have been our trademarks since the beginning.
The first is delivering well-researched, well-considered estimates and schedule for all our work. If you're looking for the contractor who you can rely on for a realistic view of what it will take to build a project, we're the ones. Our second trademark is our obsession with detail and craftsmanship throughout our projects. We have built our reputation by insisting upon the highest quality workmanship. Our third trademark is that, in addition to understanding architecture, we understand the design development and construction processes, and how to tailor every step of our service to meet clients' needs.